Winter Pastels

For those who weren't paying attention, on February 2 Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow thus predicting six more weeks of winter. Along with such a dreary season, I've grown tired of wearing dark colors and am changing it up with pretty winter pastels of pink, grey and white. Think Olivia Pope of Scandal season 1 and 2, minus the gladiators, POTUS, and B613.
I'm sure many of you are done with winter too, so consider this non-stop onslaught of snow and sub-zero temperatures as an opportunity to take advantage of all the awesome winter coat sales! As retailers try to get rid of their inventory to make room for the new spring line, you can not only find amazing deals, but still actually wear the coats for a while longer! It's a win-win if you ask me. I picked up my French Connection coat (on sale, of course) and couldn't have picked a better day to wear it. The fog and snow created an ethereal backdrop for a coat that looks like the snow leopard of Central Asia.
Moreover, for the fashion history buffs, this coat is called the Teddy which comes from the 1950's London working-class youth sub-culture of Teddy boys and girls. Together these kids, while associated with petty crime and vandalism, was the first group in Britain whose style was self-created. They emerged in England as post-war austerity was coming to an end; an upper-class Saville Row revival of dandy Edwardian fashion became readily available on sale, and working class teenagers could afford and adopt the style. Many of the Teds wore long drape jackets with contrasting collars, much like the coat I'm wearing.
But I digress. Next time you look into your closet, consider a pastel palette which not only widens your clothing options this winter, but injects a lightness to your mood. It does for me.
COAT: French Connection
TOP: Wilfred
JEANS: J Brand
BOOTS: BCBGeneration
BAG: Michael Kors (large size here)
Photography by Stephanie Larsen