
A year ago today two bombs went off along the final, triumphant stretch of the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring hundreds. The bombing happened a block from my old apartment, in my neighborhood along a two-block stretch of Boylston Street where I would get my nails done, grab a Starbuck's coffee, go to my weekly Zumba class. In the ensuing days, while the people of Boston were grappling with the horrific events, life was punctuated by the incessant sounds of helicopters and sirens, and then the eventual car chase right past my apartment, the shoot out, city lock down and manhunt a mile away. To say this attack struck close to home, both literally and figuratively, is an understatement. And you bet, it was personal.
As B. Romeo, contributing editor for TWSS accurately explains, "...the marathon can be a pain in the ass event. It clogs up streets, and the people who run it love to tell you they ran and about how hard it all was. Everyone in Boston who doesn't ’t run it kind of half way hates it. Except we never really do hate it. Yeah, it is a pain in the ass, but it is our pain in the ass. The marathon is the friend that you always make fun of, but you’d throw a punch if someone else ever gives your friend a hard time. It is our dorky thing and we love it. So attacking it is the closest you can come to attacking that inexplicable sense of family Boston has."
But what a difference a year makes! I am on the steps of Prudential mall by the Boylston Street entrance, just a block from the marathon finish line. The 118th Boston Marathon weekend starts this Friday with the race taking place, as customary, on Monday, Patriots' Day, a state holiday. Meanwhile, the city is humming with a festive atmosphere and adorned in marathon regalia while restaurants are back to offering their special carb-laden marathon menus to this year's record number runners, spectators, and volunteers. As always, time has healed, but we couldn't have done it without the the love and support from our city and from around the world. What a testament to the resilience of the human spirit! This weekend, you'll see that the city is back stronger than ever. I am Boston, and wicked proud of it. #loveboston #bostonstrong #weareboston
On one final note, since this is, after all, a fashion blog...I'm wearing my new favorite Nike AirMax flyknits. I can't tell you how many times I get stopped on the street by people asking me about my sneakers. But then again, how can you not love ice cream-colored feet? Moreover, I need to give a shout out to my eManie jewelry, a cool, new line out of Boston! I'm really not a person that likes to wear statements on my clothing which is why this necklace is perfect. The letters of the pendant spell something meaningful to me, but it isn't obvious to everyone else. This necklace would make a great gift for a private message to a special someone.
TOP: Bailey44
SHORTS: Rag & Bone
BAG: Aimee Kestenberg
WATCH: Michael Kors
BRACELET: Baublebar